"We're an organization! As of the 6th August 2007, Uganda Village Project (UVP) is a "Registered Association with Community, Culture, Youth and Women in Development Sections of the Community Services Department" of Iganga District.
We've got an office! Henry (of JIDDECO) has agreed to rent space in this new office to us as well as have us continue to use the electronics.
We've got a sign! I kid you not, and it looks darn smooth! It cost 45,000/= and is double sided. We're working with JIDDECO to either 1) hang it on the bottom of the JIDDECO sign or 2) hang it in the court yard in the front of JIDDECO where you'll be walking into our new shared office space. The main sticking point is that apparently you have to pay money to the local government to put up a sign (and it's to the tune of 100,000+)."