Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May Update

Summer Project Preparation Notes from Matt:

I have interacted with the Namungalwe H/C III staff a couple of times on quick visits. Hannah has praised their staff and my first impressions agree with her. The Peace Corps volunteer, Hannah, had also talked to me about the shortage in staff at the health center. She said that even if they have VCT kits there are never enough trained staff for counselling. I talked to Gregory and the In-charge of that health Sub-district, Charles Waiswa, and they both said it is a growing issue that is resulting in people not getting tested.

Eye Clinic:
Othieno James, our ophthalmologist contact, quoted an appropriately sized generator at 300,000. Based on the previous notes (I recently sent out newer ones as well) and what our plan is, we will post this as a need on ChooseANeed.

Safe Water:
Reverend has been fixing up his nephew's home, which is very close to his home. Kristen and I will make a final visit this week.

Dental Clinic:
Tim is preparing for the arrival of the summer team to work on the dental clinic at People and Development Initiatives. Kristen and I will meet with Sula and the Project Coordinator sometime during their first week.