Monday, November 25, 2019

Becoming an Expert

by Jason Maples, Intern, Bulugodha Village

“Where to?”

This is an innocent question from a smiling man. We know to expect this question every time we pass Ivan’s home. This question may be innocent, but it has a purpose. Ivan inquires because he plans on coming with us. Travelling long distances, even to other villages, all when he wasn’t told he was needed. Ivan is always welcomed, though. His contagious smile infects all of us and leaks into the rest of the community.

To me, he is the hope of the community. Ivan’s overwhelming cheerfulness comes in spite of a challenging childhood. When he was young, he went to work in his uncle’s sugar cane field, leaving his home in Bulugodha, and even sacrificing his pay to send himself to school. His father’s death was the only thing that could force him home, but it couldn’t stop him. 

Ivan started a successful shop that he ran for years before he became a VHT. Ivan’s characteristics of determination, resilience, and joy were all major reasons that the community selected him as a VHT, but the biggest is his hope. The chairman saw it, the community elders saw it, and now I see it.

When Ivan first took his position, the latrine coverage was very poor, but now almost every household has access to a latrine. This is just one example of how his determination has improved his community. He loves being a VHT because it allows him to continue his search for knowledge. Absorbing all the information from the VHT education sessions, Ivan has become an expert on malaria. He is further able to improve the health of the village this way.

I’m convinced that he could make a difference with just his smile, though. It has made a difference in me. The hope that Ivan has bestowed upon us leads all of us in Bulugodha village to believe that change can happen. I believe this village will live healthier lives thanks to Ivan.


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Empowerment Through Health Access

By Josephine Asio, Program Coordinator

Life in the village can be complicated. In partnership with our supporters, Uganda Village Project offers access to education, services, and tools to make it easier to create a healthier future. Sometimes that comes in small steps, like a woman who can choose to control her own decisions to stay healthy and informed, even if those around her are not taking advantage of the same services.

Jane, a mother of three, who recently attended an HIV outreach shared her story:

"I would like to thank Uganda Village Project for bringing these services closer to our communities. Our village is far away from Namungalwe health center III (where she could receive services). My husband is married to two women, and being the first wife, I am not sure about my co-wife's HIV status. We all live in different places, making it impossible to encourage one another to come for testing. I have always encouraged my husband to come for testing but he does not want to do so. Because of the constant worry, I go for voluntary counseling and testing services whenever I get a chance to do so. Throughout the time UVP came to work in our village, I and my kids have benefited from all the services offered.”

Your support empowered Jane to take her health into her own hands. Thank you to all those who support UVP from near and far. Jane appreciates you!


Are you proud of the work you support? Share this email with someone to let them know you support access to health services for Jane!