Saturday, November 27, 2010

Buy Nothing Day: Success!

Buy Nothing Day: Your opportunity to share, instead of spending
Thanks to everyone who participated in Buy Nothing Day - we managed to raise over $700! This money will be going directly to Uganda as soon as possible to bolster our community public health programs - not to our own fundraising, publicity, or administrative work internationally.  Our organization allows supporters to have the biggest possible impact at the grassroots level in Ugandan villages!

We really think that improving the lives of others and sharing our own wealth is what Thanksgiving, and, indeed, the rest of the holiday season is all about. That's why we're going to give you the opportunity to give the gift of health to children and their families in Uganda for the holidays, and dedicate those gifts to your family members and friends. Stay tuned - we'll post the details about how to purchase gifts as part of our Holiday Campaign very soon....

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