Thursday, September 6, 2012

Community Total Lead Sanitation Update

By Titus Obbo

This summer UVP developed a new approach for community involvement in the Community Total Lead Sanitation (CTLS) program. Kidaago B is experiencing a new way in the community life. UVP interns this summer helped out to clean the bore hole together with community members. The Village Health Team and Water User Committee have set up the calendar for hygiene and sanitation in the community and defined the governing rules intended to phase out poor facilities and install hygienic ones in households. In particular, dirty jerri cans and buckets will not be allowed for use of collecting water at the well. 

Collaboration with UVP has resulted in a cascaded effect down to the households where members have waged a war against open defecation by digging pit latrines. The village has clustered households in groups of ten to help each other build a good pit latrine that can last for at least more than 15 years given the nature of the soil texture.

UVP would like to thank its interns this summer as well as donors and broader UVP family for their hard work and support!

Titus Obbo is UVP's Safe Water and Healthy Villages Program Coordinator. Titus is a graduate of Makerere University with a degree in Human Resource Management. 

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